04.23.2002 || 19h45

One more thing

Oh yeah, I forgot: I was jolted from my sleep last night by the cacophony of an utter torrent of shots on the street outside my flat. I had fallen asleep while reading, so the light was still on. leftover instinct from the old neighbourhood: I immediately snapped off the light and rolled over to sleep. Didn't wanna know.

Maybe I haven't changed all that much in all those damned years separating me from the ghetto.

Oh, I slept through an earthquake back then, too.

||Gods save the Queen,

back || forth

older shite

One last little note... - 09.21.2006

de-stressing, biking and terrorism - 06.06.2006

Mildly stressed... - 05.29.2006

More crime stupidity - 05.28.2006

Scary stuff - 05.25.2006

Oh yeah, the page and everything
on it is �2000 - 2005 to me, alright ?
don't copy without asking.

Original �reation 2005