11.13.2001 || 00h18

Dollars to doughnuts

So, I'm in about a kajoolian tonnes of pain-- Well, I was this morning. It's not so bad anymore. The reason for this is twofold.

Saturday morning (as everyone knows), Best Friend and I played one-on-one lacrosse for the first time in a few *months.* As you can imagine, spending Sunday in relaxed repose and contemplation would have been the best course of action after such a day.

Heh. I had promised to clean out the eavestroughs on Maman's house. no rest. After the usual 11 November Remembrance Day parades were over, I jumped onto a bus to upper NDG to do my filial duty.

Yeah, so they've got this really old ladder, right? it's heavy as a whale, long as a highway, and is made of rotting wood.

Heavy beast, I tell you.

Anyway, Sister's holding the damned thing quasi-steady while I'm flailing about at ten years of accumulated trough-gook (the house's previous owners were named after that legendary Roman emperor, Moronicus), and throwing great handfuls of the shite onto the ground below, where it's amazingly starting to freeze. I broke a couple of the eavestroughs and felt mortified until Maman said she'd like them all taken down anyway (the reason is very logical, though you *must* live in a northern clime to understand), and yadda yadda yadda.

At one point, Sister and I prop the fahking beast up against the house and it bails. We spot the ladder going right for one of maman's plate-glass windows, and do the stupidest things imaginable: Just as Sis grabs the *base* of the ladder (I guess there's some sort of secret leverage spell that only works at the base of a toppling ladder), I decide to throw myself into harm's way and bounce it off my shoulder and into the grass.

Lots of ouch. It takes two to *lift* the damned thing.

Maman made us tea and snax because we were heroes, then laughed at us because we're doofusii who didn't twig on that the window was more replaceable than we.


Mmm. I made an awesome squash. If anyone out there wants to try a squash recipe that'll have them fairly *masturbating* with delight, try this little variation with which I came up:

  • Cut a squash in half, scoop out the seeds;
  • Microwave the halves, scoped side down, for 8 minutes or until they start to soften;
  • Turn them back over, score the flesh to hell, scoop it out into a large bowl. Mix in melted butter, brown sugar, allspice, cinnamon, and nutmeg (to taste, of course);
  • Blend if you want;
  • Scoop the mess back into the shells;
  • bake;
  • Eat.


I signed up for an acting class that starts in January. when January starts to hove into view, don't let me forget: It's costing me $200.--.


Frig, the Loonie's not doing too well. I don't know *what* I'm going to be able to buy while I'm in the US. I think I'll be lucky if I can afford one of their bland American chocolate bars or a doughnut. Oh, which reminds me: to-night's entry is dedicated to Nichole. You happy now, you?

||Gods save the Queen,

back || forth

older shite

One last little note... - 09.21.2006

de-stressing, biking and terrorism - 06.06.2006

Mildly stressed... - 05.29.2006

More crime stupidity - 05.28.2006

Scary stuff - 05.25.2006

Oh yeah, the page and everything
on it is �2000 - 2005 to me, alright ?
don't copy without asking.

Original �reation 2005